Please plan to attend a Congregational Information Session immediately following worship on January 14. The agenda will include the following:

  1. Council responsibilities (Mike Cleland)
  2. Update on the Financial Secretary’s report (Wanda Weinberg)
  3. Update on the Treasurer’s report (Lucy Juedes)
  4. Update on LLC (Rod Sauer)
  5. Review of previous distributions by the Impact Giving committee (Chris Snoddy)
  6. Update on the benevolences and emergency fund of the Social Ministry committee (Doug Debrick)
  7. Update on any special projects from the Property committee (John Deno)
  8. Update concerning fundraising for the Youth Gathering (Pam Cochran)
  9. Memorial Gardens (Mike Cleland)
  10.  Upcoming Cottage Meetings (Pastor Chad)
  11.  Any other questions

*This is not a congregational meeting as there is no business to conduct.  It is intended as a “State of the Congregation” informational opportunity halfway through our budget year.