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Friendly reminder that we have our LAST Holden Evening Prayer Wednesday evening at 7pm in person in our Sanctuary.  You may also join us via live-stream found on all of our platforms: our website, our facebook page, and our YouTube channelThe direct link to the our YouTube service is here: It will include a brief meditation based on the theme "At the Name of Jesus" which comes from  Philippians 2:5-11, one of the Palm Sunday scriptures. If you are attending in person, we kindly ask you to wear a KN95 or N95 mask (respirator).  If you do not have one, one will be provided for you at the door.  All Wednesday Evening Prayer donations go to support SAOP, see bottom of this posting for details. 

Also, friendly reminder that there are noon organ concerts being held each Wednesday during Lent at Church of the Good Shepherd.

For those following along with our 7pm service from home, please find materials to sing along under "downloads" at the bottom of this post. 

You might recall from Advent that Holden Evening Prayer is a contemporary and inclusive language version of the traditional sung vespers.  It was composed by Marty Haugen in 1985-1986 while he was the musician-in-residence at Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat center in Washington State.

100% of Wednesday Evening Prayer donations go to support the Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program, based in Nelsonville.   It provides services for people who experience sexual and domestic violence, human trafficking, and stalking.   It began in 2013 as a program of the Women's Center at Ohio University but in April 2017 was granted its own non-profit status.   At the start, it offered services in three counties but now has offices in all seven counties in its catchment area.   SAOP's mission is to empower the community and all survivors of sexual violence to live free of sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking; its vision is of a world where everyone has the support and right to live a safe life free of sexual violence; its core values include Empowerment, Community, and Integrity.   Giving may be done in all the usual ways, offering basket in the narthex, through our online giving portal--select "Survivor Outreach Advocacy Program" in the "to" section, or by mailing a check made out to the church with SAOP in the memo line.