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What's Happening at CLC this week: June 10, 2024. 


Pastor Chad will be out of town through June 12th. Pastor Bob Cochran will be available in his absence. 


Monday, June 10th    

2:00pm – Widows Group (Narthex)

5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – OA (Student House) 

Tuesday, June 11th 

Wednesday, June 12th  

7:00pm – Social Ministry ZOOM LINK

Thursday, June 13th

10:00am – Conversations and Coffee with Pastor Chad (Donkey Coffee)

10:15am – LSS Mobile Food Pantry (United Methodist, The Plains)

6:00pm – Theology on Tap 

Friday, June 14th

5:00pm – Visitation for Karen Chikosky (Sanctuary)

7:00pm – Funeral Service (Sanctuary) 

8:00pm – Funeral Luncheon* (Fellowship Hall)

*please bring a desert to share

Saturday, June 15th 

Sunday, June 16th    

10:00am – Sunday Worship (Sanctuary)




Vacation Bible School: This will happen June 23-27 from 4-6pm. The theme this year is, “Wonder Stories: Jesus’ Miracles.”  Please register at




Peter Schmidt, the office administrator will be out of the office for much of July. We are looking for volunteers to open the office and answer phone calls while he is away. If you are willing to help you can contact Donnalee Yoder or the church office. 

Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at  
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? 
Use this LINK