Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Poinsettias are available again this year.   The cost is $7 per plant.   Envelopes will be available in the Narthex during Sunday worship--simply fill out and drop in the offering basket.  Alternatively, you may order online.  To order online please 1) fill out the order form by clicking here and 2) pay $7 per plant either by mailing a check made out to the church, to the church, with "poinsettias" in the memo line OR via our online payment.  To pay via online payment, click here, then click “give online now,” and then under the “to” menu, select the line for poinsettias.  Plants may be picked up immediately following our Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship, which is happening in the sanctuary at 9p.m. that day.     
  • Church Choir will begin practicing immediately after worship this Sunday, Nov. 28th.  The church is providing singing masks for those who would like one.   If you would like to donate $20 to cover the cost of a mask, feel free to do so via our online giving platform or via our Sunday offering.   Just make out to Christ Lutheran and put "Singing Mask" in the memo.   If you have not already indicated your interest in joining the choir to the office, please put your email and name on this form ASAP: click here.   As always, you can email or call the office if you have issues with the form.  
  • Worship and Arts Committee - is being re-formed as well.   There will be a meeting this Tuesday, Nov. 23rd at 5:15pm in the narthex or Sanctuary for those who wish to serve on this committee.   Please wear mask and let the office know in advance if you plan to attend so we can make a new email distribution list.   The discussion will center around Advent, Epiphany, and future seasons. 

Community notes:

  • Photography for Rent Assistance  The wife of a local graduate student will need assistance with rent in the near future and rather than asking for a handout would love to photograph you, your family, or other relevant gatherings.  For more information on this person's situation and/or her contact information, please contact Linda Sauer at lindagsauer@yahoo.com as the office does not have the full details.    

Here's what's happening this week:

Monday, Nov. 22 
6pm AA - Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, Nov. 23 
5:15 Worship and Arts - Narthex or Sanctuary
5:30 Earth Justice - Zoom
6pm OA - Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, Nov. 24 - OFFICE CLOSED
7pm Wednesday Night Prayer - Zoom

Thursday, Nov. 25 - OFFICE CLOSED
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, Nov. 28 - Advent One
10am Worship - Sanctuary, Masks Required