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Happening Today: 

The youth will be going to the Athens High School Drama Club to see the performance Theory of Relativity at 2p.   

Future New:

4/30 AED training for ushers and other members of the congregation. What does AED stand for? Automated external defibrillator. The church has an AED apparatus in the Narthex. We want to train as many people as possible how to use it in case of an emergency. 

The training will be a short video of how to use it and Dr. Mindy Ford will be here to answer any questions we might have during the training. 

5/13 Women’s Luncheon at 11a in Fellowship Hall. Women are invited to a time of Faith, Fellowship and Food. Please RSVP HERE

6/3 The Southern Ohio Synod is holding a one-day Synod Assembly this year on June 3, 2023 from 9AM to 4:30PM at Peace Lutheran Church in Beavercreek, Ohio (near Dayton). Christ Lutheran needs two voting members to participate in the Assembly. The congregation will pay for the registration costs for the event. Please contact Pastor Chad if you are interested/willing to be a voting member. You can read more information about the assembly here:

The bulletin for this week may be found by looking under "downloads" at the bottom of this post. 

This morning's worship

The best place to watch ANY event we are broadcasting live is directly on our website: If you don’t hear audio, make sure that it is not muted. Sign into the chat and participate with others who are watching.   

If you miss the livestream or want to watch something again, you can find the video on our YouTube channel: Livestreams will also appear on our Facebook page ( and twitter feed (@clcathens). 

Time with Children will be graciously provided by the Jana Hovland this week. Look for it during the 10am worship service.

Children's Church-Children, grades 3 and under are invited to Children’s Church. Children’s Church is offered during the 10am service immediately following the Children’s Message and will return to Worship prior to Communion. Today's teacher- Tammy Thompson and Rachel Prange

Patricia Cambridge has a new improvisation for us this week. Please check it out on her personal YouTube Channel.

Mask Policy for in-person worship: Council is continuing our policy of worship being mask optional. 

Thank you for joining our worship today.  Please know that your financial support for the ministry of Christ Lutheran is greatly appreciated. Consider giving in one of the following ways:

  • Mail your Sunday offerings to: Christ Lutheran Church, Attn Wanda Weinberg, 69 Mill St., Athens, OH 45701
  • Donate on our website, click on "Give" on the top right and follow through the prompts.