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Welcome to the Second Sunday in Lent. 

First, a note from The Rev. Daniel Rift, Director, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response Fund:

I write to you again about our neighbors in Eastern Europe. First, I thank you for your outpouring of prayers and generosity — you are making a difference in the lives of people impacted by the war in Ukraine.  To learn more about how we are at work and to give to our relief efforts, click here

Second, a reminder about two events happening after church.  Immediately following church, there is a St. Patrick's Day intergenerational event in the fellowship hall which will last approximately 45min.  This will allow time for local folks to get home for Coffee Hour, which is happening at noon on Zoom.  Click here for the coffee hour link.  More details about the topic maybe found in the March Chi Rho which you can find by clicking here and looking under "downloads."  

Third, friendly reminder that we ask that you wear an N95 or KN95 mask (respirator) when attending in-person worship in the sanctuary. Council has decided to continue this policy for now due to communal singing.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact Council President Dan Snoddy at  If you do not have a KN95 or N95 respirator at home, we can provide one at the door. We are continuing to offer our online experience as well, with details below.  

The bulletin for this week, including the readings, may be downloaded under "downloads" at the bottom of this post. 

This morning's worship is available live on our website, on our facebook page and YouTube channel.  The direct link to the YouTube video is here: Past services can also be viewed on all of the above platforms. On our website, click on the worship tab and look at the bottom of the page for the past services list.

Time with Children will be graciously provided by Cheryl Huebner this week.  Look for it during the Sunday worship service.

Patricia Cambridge has a new improvisation for us this week.  Please check it out on her personal YouTube Channel.

Thank you for joining our worship today.  Please know that your financial support for the ministry of Christ Lutheran is greatly appreciated. Consider giving in one of the following ways:

  • Mail your Sunday offerings to: Christ Lutheran Church, Attn Wanda Weinberg, 69 Mill St., Athens, OH 45701
  • Donate on our website, click on "Give" on the top right and follow through the prompts.